Apartments for rent five minutes walking to the sea. Autonomous apartments in the middle of a park and a fruit trees garden, quiet and ideal for children. Free sandy beach at 300 mt, restaurants and market at 200 mt, tennis courts at 300 mt.
Car parking, hot water showers, grill and wood-burning oven, TV color in the apartments.
Games for children, ping-pong and bowls in the park.
Please contact us by phone.
Ouverture | Ouverture saisonnière |
Check in | 14:30 |
Check out | 9:30 |
Prestation |
Loc. Lacona
57031, Capoliveri
Personne à contacter: Marina
CIN: IT049004C2P52PS35C
Codice Locazioni Brevi: "IT049004C2P52PS35C","IT049004C2OW22HZRR"
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